
The mighty programming language over the hill - since 2012

What is Castel ?

Castel is a new programming language. It aims web developers, and try to address design flaws that we could find in Javascript or PHP. Its goal is to provide a robust environment which could be used as a client script engine, or as a server page generator.

Castel's compiler is built using some C++11 features and the LLVM library. Please note that the project is currently very unstable, and that it should definitely not be used in a production environment.

Why another programming language ?

Even if XKCD warns us against competing standards, sometimes it can be a good idea to look around, see the conception issues in current programming languages, and try to address them. However, these languages are often 'ready to prod', which means that there is very little chance that these design flaws will ever be fixed (every little design change would break backward compatibility for many users).

And here we are.

This Castel does look like Python/Javascript/Java/GOTO++

Yes it does ! Actually, some features have been inspired by these languages. These languages are production-ready, and had got many feedbacks over the time. It makes sense to see what developers love and what are their needs before starting building a new language.

However, these features have been carefully designed, we didn't just put them here following a random pattern. Castel's foundations are made of pure steel.

Who are the authors ? Can I join ?

Castel's creator is @arcanis and sure, you can join the project ! Fork repositories, push changes, make pull requests. Even creating issues would help us !

If you just want to support financially the development, you can also gittip me. : )


@arcanis on Twitter